Pantech Products

8051 Friendly Evaluation Board

NXP’s P89V51RD2, based 8051 Kit is proposed to smooth the progress of developing and debugging of various designs encompassing of High speed 8-bit Microcontrollers. Facility to interface LCD, GLCD 128x64 and RF434MHz module with  encoder, decoder and  Zigbee | Bluetooth module.  User can easily engage in development in this platform, or use it as reference to application development.

  • LCD | GLCD 128x64  | RF433.92MHz | Zigbee I/F
  • Supports Assembly & Embedded C
  • Project Developments | ISP Programmer

  • Wireless Module I/F     : Zigbee - XBee | XBeePro (Digi)
    : Bluetooth (SENA-ESD02 | LM 400)
    : RF 433.92 MHz Tx / Rx Module
  • Display Interface           : 2X16 Char LCD  | 128x64 GLCD
  • Supports (Atmel | NXP | Dallas) MCU
  • 2 Nos of Tactile switch for interrupts study
  • General purpose area
  • ISP Programming for NXP | Dallas MCU
  • 4 Nos of 10-Pin Expansion Connector
  • On-Board 5V Regulator ( +5V, 1A | 3.3v/800mA)
  • Reset Circuit | Power-on LED Indication

  • Devices                      :  P8951VRD2 (MCS-51 Core)
  • Memory                      :  64K FLASH - Program
                                          256Byte Data Memory
  • Clock                           : 12MHz crystal,  Max = 24 MHz

Kit Includes
  • P89V51RD2 Evaluation Kit
  • RS232 Cable
  • CD Contains:Code | IDE | Programmer | Ref Documents
NOTE:   LCD | GLCD | Zigbee | Bluetooth and  RF434MHz are optional


8085A Microprocessor Trainer kit
PS-TRAINER-8085A microprocessor trainer kit is proposed to smooth the progress of learning and developing designs of microprocessor from Intel. Facility to connect PC’s 101/104 Keyboard, to enter user programs in Assembly languages. User verifies the programs through LCD or PC. User friendly Firmware confirms facilitating the beginners learns operations of a microprocessor quickly.


Ø  Devices                :  8085(Intel) | Clock : 6.144MHz crystal
Ø  32KB-SRAM for user Data
Ø  16KB-EPROM for Monitor Program
Ø  2x16 CHAR LCD display
Ø  48 Programmable I/O Pins for ( 2 x 8255)
Ø  Three 16-bit programmable timer (8253/8254)
Ø  40-Pin FRC connector for Bus Extension
Ø  20-Pin FRC connector Add-on Interface from 8255
Ø  9-pin DB connector for UART (RS232) interface
Ø  Built-in assembler and dis-assembler
Ø  101-PC Type keyboard to enter user address/data commands
Ø  Software Monitor for loading and executing programs with break point facility

Kit Includes
Ø  Intel 8085 Trainer Kit(INTEL – 8085)
Ø  Power Adaptor
Ø  RS232 Cable | PC104 Keyboard
Ø  User Guide: HW/SW